This is the original Makerchair that is still being refined and fine tuned. We invite makers from all over the world to download and experiment!
This chair was the first release by Bits and Parts, a spin-off initiated by Joris Laarman Lab.
We are happy to release the Kids Maker Chair P39!
You can download the puzzle blocks for free below.
Don’t forget to read and agree with the terms and conditions!
The KIDS MAKER CHAIR, has been fine-tuned and is ready to be printed at your home.
The chair has 39 puzzle pieces with snap connectors.
The average weight of a pieces is 170 grams, so 3,5kg filament of each color should be enough to build one chair.
The pieces should be printed with 2.85mm ABS and the printer settings can be found in the manual included in the download.
The custom Joris Laarman Lab colors can be bought here.
Feel free to experiment with your own printer and settings, but remember that you are responsible for your print. Make sure your pieces are strong enough to withstand some force and make safety your number one priority!
If you print this chair, we would love to see it. Please send your pictures to
*File sharing has never been easier, but we would appreciate it if you could support our work by keeping the blueprint to yourself 😉